According to Vedas there are three things that are eternal: God, the Soul and Prakriti.
God is the agentive cause for the creation of the universe, prakriti is the material cause of universe, and souls are the consumers for whose benefit the universe is created. God is the Creator, the Supreme Spirit or Consciousness, and the Eternal Bliss. On the other hand prakriti, while eternal, by itself is inert. Though, the soul is eternal and conscious (aware), it usually lacks bliss.
The soul has a choice, it can aim towards reaching God-the Eternal Truth, the Supreme Consciousness and the Supreme Bliss and it-self acquire bliss, or it can be lost in the distractions of prakriti (universe) and remain unfulfilled and lacking in joy.
The description of God, soul and prakriti may be summarized as follows:
God is Sat-Chit-Änand (Sachidänand) :
Sat = Eternally Exists, Eternal Truth
Chit = Supreme Consciousness
Änand = Supreme Bliss
Soul is Sat-Chit :
Sat = Eternally Exists
Chit = Conscious, aware
Prakriti is only Sat
Sat = Eternally Exists
To read more on God, Soul and Prakriti, please read the attachment below.
Content and Attachment Courtesy : Darshan Yog